Zen Up Podcast - Living A Healthy Life

I'm so excited to share that I was a guest on the Zen Up Podcast hosted by Susan Kiskis. In this episode, we talk about fad diets, listening to your body, what 'health' means, self care, and all things healthy living.

I'm a huge believer in finding foods that work for you, positive thinking, and the power of appreciation. Be wary of the images you see on social media and advice you hear from friends, family, and self-proclaimed "experts." Listen to your body! 

Hope you enjoy :)  

If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, know that you are not alone. It is possible to find recovery and you are WORTH IT. Here are some resources and hotlines that can help you take your first step on your recovery journey:

National Eating Disorders Association

The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness

The National Association for Males with Eating Disorders

Body Appreciation and Self-Care

I recently saw a post where someone claimed that "eating clean to get their body ready for summer" is an act of self-care. 

I want to set the record straight - this is not an act of self-care.

The Problem With 'Clean Eating'

There is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to eat well and exercise, as there are plenty of benefits from doing both. But spreading the message that you're eating 'clean' to change your body, just because summer is coming, is problematic. Claiming that it's a form of self-care makes it even worse. The intention behind their action of eating 'clean' (this term in it's own way is problematic)* is to change their physical appearance in order to be ready for a season - as if their body isn't good enough the way it is right now.

(*Clean eating initially started out with good intentions. It means eating food in its whole, unprocessed form without chemicals or additives. Unfortunately, society has morphed the phrase into an all-or-nothing diet craze that involves food shaming and perpetuates disordered eating habits.)

Changing the Conversation

It's understandable to want to feel good in your own skin. To want to lift weights, or do yoga, or try new fitness classes because you want to be stronger or feel better in your clothes. But we need to change the way we talk about reaching health and fitness goals and how we connect them to our bodies. And we need to change the way we share this information with other people.

One of the best ways you can keep a healthy relationship with food and your body while on your fitness or health journey is by accepting your body for how it is, right now. Your body is a wonderful and amazing work of art, as it is, right this second.

Whatever changes your body goes through, you must appreciate it through all seasons of life. If you want to change your body, that's totally okay. But don't change it just because summer is coming, or a personal trainer on Instagram told you that your booty needs to be bikini-ready.

If we can't appreciate our body for how it looks and performs in this moment, then we can't appreciate it in any other state.

It's taken me years to figure this out, and I'm still working on it. But when I first started to appreciate my body for what it allows me to do and where it's taken me, the false image I created of myself started to shift. Practicing daily appreciation is not easy, but using your mental energy on more productive and positive outcomes is so worth it.

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 Some of the activities my body has allowed me to do that I took for granted

Taking Care of Yourself

Self-care - often interchangeable with self-love - is all about taking the time to do things for yourself that you enjoy doing. It is engaging in activities that make you happy, reduce stress, and give you energy. The key to benefiting physically, mentally and emotionally from self-care is your intention behind it. Your intention behind an act of self-care should be about how you feel - not how it affects your appearance.

Here are just a few examples of self care:

  • Taking a hot bath with Epsom salt and essential oils

  • Saying NO to going out with your friends when you feel exhausted and would rather sleep

  • Eating a massive salad when you're craving one

  • Going to a workout class that you actually enjoy

  • Eating a piece of cake when you're craving one

  • Calling a friend just to catch up

  • Meditating for 5-10 minutes in the morning or before you go to sleep

  • Taking a break during a crazy busy day to take a walk outside or grab a coffee

  • Reading a book unrelated to work or school

  • Spending a little extra than you normally would on a relaxing spa day

  • Treating yourself to an at home spa day

  • Buying yourself a bouquet of flowers just because

When Eating Well Is Self-Care

Participating in self-care allows you to honor your personal needs in that moment - you are giving yourself permission to take care of yourself, hence, self care. Eating clean well, which is defined by YOU, can be a form of self-care when:

  • It makes you feel your best

  • It gives you energy to take on your busy schedule

  • The food is shared with someone you care about

  • It is inclusive of any food that you like, crave, and want to eat

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Eating well doesn't always have to be defined by the nutritional value of food or in terms of 'good' or 'bad.' It can be defined by the value that it brings to all areas of your life, not just physical health. 

Don't let the opinions of others influence how you see yourself or where you want to go. You are in charge of your life and it's up to you how you want to live it! I encourage you to incorporate positive self-care and body appreciation into your every day routine and see how it makes you feel - you deserve it.
